I wish you would use a more recent Version. But I believe
Passing DROs was added before V4.28.
Group: DynoMotion |
Message: 8849 |
From: Tom Kerekes |
Date: 1/3/2014 |
Subject: Re: Mach Dro's to KFlop |
Hi Tapio, If you post your code or what your results are we might be able to spot an error
But yes, making a dynamic NotifyPlugins.c should work.
The .out files are the compiled binary that is downloaded to KFLOP for execution. There is no need to delete them as they will be automatically overwritten. But you can if you wish.
Regards TK
Group: DynoMotion |
Message: 8857 |
From: tapiolarikka |
Date: 1/4/2014 |
Subject: Re: Mach Dro's to KFlop |
Hi Tom!
I upgraded to KMotion430
I copied the dro passing examples as they are. The Mach side to my screen button and the Kflop side to my NotifyMach.c. The NotifyPlugins(19007) does not bring any response to KMotion console.
Where is the KFlop side of the code supposed to be? In NotifyMach.c or in Init.C?
The dynamic NotifyMach.c seems to take a bit more investigation since both Mach script compiler and VB.Net get confused by consecutive quotation marks: trying to print "#include "KMotionDef.h"" to a text file causes compiler error in both.
Rgds, Tapio
Group: DynoMotion |
Message: 8858 |
From: Tom Kerekes |
Date: 1/4/2014 |
Subject: Re: Mach Dro's to KFlop |
Hi Tapio, The NotifyPlugins(19007) will not print anything on the console. It will just put data into a pair of KFLOP persist variables (12 and 13). You could use Console Commands GetPersistDec commands to verify they changed (but realize that a 64-bit floating point number is hard to understand displayed as 3 32-bit integers). You don't need any C code on KFLOP at all for this to occur. The example shows some C code that you might have running in some unused Thread that just packs the pair of variables back into a floating point double and prints it on the console every 2 seconds. This is all just for demo purposes. It also does some simple math on the number (adds 999) and stores the result into another pair of variables in order to have something to test uploading. In Basic to
add a quote inside a string a double quote is usually used to tell the basic compiler you want to add a quote and not end the string. I haven't tried this in Mach3 Basic. HTH Regards TK
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